Language Access/ Medical Interpreter Resources

Click the + for links to resources about the following topics.

CCHCP Medical Glossaries

The CCHCP Store sells medical glossaries in 28 different languages. Please see the list below to find a medical glossary in your language(s). To purchase a medical glossary, please visit our online store.

We have glossaries in the following languages:

  1. Amharic
  2. Arabic
  3. Bengali
  4. Bosnian
  5. Cambodian (Khmer)
  6. Chinese
  7. English
  8. Farsi
  9. French
  10. Haitian
  11. Hindi
  12. Japanese
  13. Karen and Burmese
  14. Korean
  15. Lao
  16. Marshallese
  17. Nepali
  18. Polish
  19. Portuguese
  20. Russian
  21. Somali
  22. Spanish
  23. Tagalog
  24. Tigrigna
  25. Ukrainian
  26. Urdu
  27. Vietnamese

Language Proficiency Assessment Resources

It’s vital that interpreters are proficient in both English and their target language. The below resources provide standards for the types of documents that an interpreter can use to prove their proficiency in a language.

CCHCP strongly recommends the use of third-party language assessments to ensure impartiality. Fluency in both English and the target language(s) are crucial for patient safety and the liability of the interpreter, service provider, and health institution. Hiring managers and training providers are also encouraged to save documented proof of the interpreter’s language proficiency and refer to our post title, Regulations Related to Medical Interpreting, for clarity on laws and best practices.

Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Medical Interpreting

Please be sure to comply with the regulations and standards of your state, county, and employer. If you are self-employed or employed through a interpreter service provider, be sure to check the regulations of the facility you will be interpreting at.

Medical Glossary Resources

Mental Health Resources for Interpreters

National and State Medical Interpreter Certification Entities

Becoming nationally certified opens opportunities for employment. Interpreters who hold a national certification have the credentials and skills to provide high quality interpreting services in health care.

Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI)  |  Recommended Resources:

The National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (NBCMI)  |  Recommended Resources:

There are also state certification exams for medical interpreters in the following states:

National Medical Interpreter Associations

Joining a national medical interpreter association can help you gain access to more resources, networking, and continuing education opportunities.

International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA)  |  Recommended Resources:

  • IMIA Code of Ethics
  • IMIA Terminology Resource Database: Glossaries, dictionaries, terminology databases, anatomy atlases, nomenclatures, thesauri, lexicons, vocabularies, manuals, encyclopedias and other word-based documents in the fields of medicine and healthcare in the various languages used by IMIA interpreters.
  • Education

National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC)  |  Recommended Resources

CCHCP Resources

Equity and Inclusion