About the Program
The Training of Trainers (ToT) courses provide participants with the curriculum, skills, and expertise necessary to offer Bridging the Gap: Medical Interpreter Training (BTG) at their organizations and in their communities. Become a BTG licensed organization to train internal staff and earn additional revenues by offering the course to qualified individuals in the community with our ready-made curriculum. Each organization that becomes authorized and licensed to teach BTG will receive a Wall Certificate with a license number unique to the organization.
Our popular Bridging the Gap ToT is accredited by the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) and participants can receive 16 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for completing the course.
What You Learn
Our Training of Trainers (ToT) offers interactive and lecture-based training. Participants learn the skills necessary to implement the Bridging the Gap training at their organization through short lectures, a review of the Bridging the Gap curriculum, group discussions, and teach-back lessons. Each participant teaches two lessons from the Bridging the Gap textbook to practice the skills learned throughout the course. Participants receive tips and feedback on their teaching methods in order to develop their skills and train medical interpreters more effectively.
Who Should Apply
Interpreting Agencies
Help interpreters in your community develop their skills and succeed in their work by offering Bridging the Gap training directly at your organization.
Community Nonprofits and Government Agencies
Expand your work in health and human services by training your staff or community members on the skills needed for effective medical interpreting.
Hospitals and Clinics
Health care organizations can strengthen their capabilities to offer culturally and linguistically appropriate services by teaching our programs to their staff and community.
A candidate must be sponsored by a qualified organization that is willing to enter into a two-year renewable contract for a license agreement with CCHCP to offer the Bridging the Gap training. To ensure the highest quality of training delivered, we require participants of the Training of Trainers (ToT) program to have the following qualifications:
- Be bilingual and bicultural
- Have worked as a medical interpreter for at least two (2) years
- Have successfully completed a Bridging the Gap 40-hour or 64-hour medical interpreter training
- Have training or teaching experience
- Work for and be sponsored by the organization seeking the license to train BTG
Please email us at bridgingthegap@xculture.org or call us at 206-860-0329, ext. 1236 for more information about applying for this course, cost, and licensing details. See our Upcoming Classes listed below.