The training helped to standardize the day-to-day work of the interpreting staff. It has clarified what is expected of them, everything from positioning to how to reach out to patients, before and after the appointment. There are more discussions in the staff room about the professional standards of behavior.
The training offered many teachable moments. Through role-plays and other activities, participants learned to encourage patients to ask questions.
Program Manager
Being part of the trainings in Bridging the Gap and CTC programs, makes you realize that people suffer from any barriers they have in life whether it’s about their health or any part of their social being. Given the opportunity to be part of this training that’s conducted by CCHCP, it will make you feel inspired and be motivated not only to help but also understand what’s going on in our system.
Eddie A.
The training gave the interpreters the skills, as well as examples of how and what to say when informing patients about the health care system. The staff now teach patients to engage with providers and to teach that this is an expectation: that patients should play an active, and not a passive role in their care.