About the Workshops

Our Equity & Inclusion team is launching several new workshop series. The first workshop will be on Transforming Team Collaboration. During this workshop, team leaders, managers, directors, and/or supervisors in the health care and human services sectors will learn how to use proven tools to create strong team alignment and shared purpose and accountability while cultivating trust and continuous learning. This is a highly interactive workshop that takes place over a series of four 4-hour sessions. Please see below for more information about this workshop and how to register for it.

What You Learn

By participating in the Transforming Team Collaboration workshop you will learn how to apply several proven tools to support an inclusive, respectful, and productive team culture. Through a blend of expert instruction, interactive role-playing activities, and group discussions, you will acquire the mindsets, skills, and tools needed to transform the way your teams work together. You will be equipped to cultivate the conditions for effective and resilient teamwork that drives positive outcomes for the populations you serve.

Join us for this transformative learning experience and take your team collaboration to the next level!

Who Should Participate

Human Resources Professionals

Organizational Team Leaders in Health Care and Human Services

DEIB Leaders

For more information, email us:
